Thursday, August 27, 2009

Motorcycle Ride Video-Eleven Bridges Road

Here is a motorcycle ride video I did last Sunday with Dan and Donna-Lynne over the Eleven Bridges Road to Wayne, Alberta culminating in a stop for refreshments at the Last Chance Saloon.
I shot the video at great peril to myself as I put the bike on cruise and held the camera with my throttle hand. No bikers were injured, maimed or otherwise disfigured in the making of this epic journey.

Push the little arrow thingy to watch the video.


  1. It looks like an awesome ride. I would love to do it sometime. What bike were you riding? Surprisingly smooth camera work... I've tried something like that before and video turned out pretty bad

  2. nice motorcycle vid. Again, amazing scenery, but are there many tourist attractions? To me, those separate the good bike rides from the great ones

  3. Good thing that no bikers were injured. It's nice to see other motobikers there.

  4. You didn't really do that filming with the cruise control on, or did you?


  5. I love riding my bike over bridges. My favorite is U.S route one to Key west. The Ocean there looks amazing every time I go there. Check it out for yourself.

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